With over 35 years of experience in the noise control and related fields, working with leading companies in the power industries, water treatment plants, petrochemical companies and large manufacturers, PHOENIX-E has successfully engineered many challenging noise control and environmental solutions. PHOENIX-E’ efforts are truly directed towards improving the safety and comfort of personnel and the community.
Complementing its original and still primary involvement in the control of unsafe or unacceptable noise levels, PHOENIX-E developed expertise in related environmental control disciplines. Importantly, this work includes engineering and constructing buildings and enclosures as well as furnishing electrical and mechanical equipment to protect personnel in potentially explosive or toxic workplaces (H-Occupancies). When needed, these various facets of environmental controls are integrated into a complete or whole packaged solution.
These activities have included the engineering and manufacture of production, processing and test environments; community and in-plant noise control; and supplying facility improvement equipment and structures such as modular factory fabricated in-plant offices and laboratories, cleanrooms, mezzanines and vertical equipment lifts.
PHOENIX-E guarantees the performance of its installations. Often, the results exceed or out perform a customer’s minimum specifications or expectations. We work closely with engineers and consultants in developing and furnishing practical code compliant equipment and facilities.
The concepts of quality materials and workmanship, timely response, and extraordinary customer satisfaction are deeply rooted in our company philosophy. Products and equipment are competitively priced; fabrication times and shipments are as promised at time of the order.
Through the engineering phase, manufacturing, and construction, PHOENIX-E’ is committed to the successful completion of each and every project.